Mondays Carded boxers only - Inter Club sparring 7.30pm - 9pm
Tuesdays 6.30 to 7.30 FUNBOX CLUB Funbox is for a youngster aged from 5 years to 9-year-olds both boys and girls.
Funbox is a structured session teaching the basic skills of boxing without any physical contact (no punching each other) Carried out in a fun and friendly environment the youngsters under go some physical tests one per week i.e 5 press ups one week , 5 sit ups the next etc as part of the programme working towards gaining at first their FUNBOX Bronze award. After a final assessment of 30 seconds demonstrating a skill they have learned they gain their certificate and then move on to the next level being Silver then Gold and finally the Elite award. This should take approx 1 year to gain all four awards. Then they would move on to the next level or age category. Within the program we also have discussions with them emphasizing the importance of discipline, respect and also healthy living in the aspects of what’s good to eat and drink and what’s not. For the older members, we also have basic talks on alcohol and substance abuse. Also now available on Thursday.
Subs £3.50 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership £20.00 with a Free Fun Box club Tee shirt with your first year’s subscription
Tuesdays 7.30 PM till 9 PM, Structured Boxing training for Male & Female. 9 -15 yrs olds
For those of you who want to get super fit and or to compete in the many tournaments, we participate in throughout the season. With four qualified coaches, these sessions are geared up to teach all aspects of Amateur Boxing for all abilities. From the very beginning and your first session to those competing in National Championships
Subs £3.50 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership under 17s £30.00 17 + £35.00. Free club tee shirt with your first subscription.
Tuesdays: 7 PM till 8.30PM. Structured Boxing training for Male & Female 15yrs plus
Subs £3.50 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership under 17s £30.00 17 + £35.00. Free club tee shirt with your first subscription.
Wednesdays Beginners night 7:00pm till 8:30 - This night is for beginners and keep fitters.
Thursdays 6.30 to 7.30 FUNBOX CLUB Funbox is for a youngster aged from 5 years to 10-year-olds both boys and girls.
Funbox is a structured session teaching the basic skills of boxing without any physical contact (no punching each other) Carried out in a fun and friendly environment the youngsters under go some physical tests one per week i.e 5 press ups one week , 5 sit ups the next etc as part of the programme working towards gaining at first their FUNBOX Bronze award. After a final assessment of 30 seconds demonstrating a skill they have learned they gain their certificate and then move on to the next level being Silver then Gold and finally the Elite award. This should take approx 1 year to gain all four awards. Then they would move on to the next level or age category. Within the program, we also have discussions with them emphasizing the importance of discipline, respect and also healthy living in the aspects of what’s good to eat and drink and what’s not. For the older members, we also have basic talks on alcohol and substance abuse. Also now available on Thursday.
Subs £3.50 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership £20.00 with a Free Fun Box club Tee shirt with your first year’s subscription
Thursdays 7.30 PM till 9PM, Structured Boxing training for Male & Female. 9 -15 yrs olds
For those of you who want to get super fit and or to compete in the many tournaments, we participate in throughout the season. With four qualified coaches, these sessions are geared up to teach all aspects of Amateur Boxing for all abilities. From the very beginning and your first session to those competing in National Championships
Subs £3.50 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership under 17s £30.00 17 + £35.00. Free club tee shirt with your first subscription.
Thursdays: 7 PM till 8.30PM. Structured Boxing training for Male & Female 15yrs plus
Subs £3.00 for Members £4.50 non-members Annual membership under 17s £30.00 17 + £35.00. Free club tee shirt with your first subscription.
Fridays Sorry we are closed available to hire
Saturdays Sorry we are closed available to hire
Sundays Sundays Monthly Dorset County Squad training